Alpaca Husbandry Information | A Look at Alpaca Husbandry Page 8 - Alpacas of Montana

Alpaca Husbandry

Cria Milk Supplementation

Most crias require 8-10% of its body weight for maintenance and another 5-8% for growth and gain. For a 15-pound cria, 10% of its body weight = 1.5 pounds. If 8 pounds equals 1 gallon, then 1 pint equals 1 pound and there is 16 ounces per pint.  Thus, 1.5 pounds (10%) equals 1.5 pints equals 16 ounce per pint (16 + 8 = 24 ounces) for maintenance.  This is the total sum...
  • 2 min read
Quarantine is defined as voluntary or compulsory isolation, typically to contain the spread of something considered dangerous, often but not always disease. Is quarantine necessary in the alpaca industry? Yes, in my opinion. But we need to understand what conditions quarantine and bio-security protect against. It is my opinion that quarantine definitely prevents the spread and contamination of...
  • 5 min read
Overall, alpacas are healthy creatures. Keep them safe, and many alpacas will never have to see a veterinarian. However, we have had the occasional dystocia, broken leg or some other issue that needed to be addressed. The difficult part about many alpaca vets is that they are few and far between. Not many vets have had the opportunity to work with camelids. Plus, many are scared of the market...
  • 2 min read
There is some controversy among alpaca producers about the feeding of grain. Apparently there is some question regarding whether or not it can be digested by alpacas. Or maybe some see it as harmful. Either way, I will try to explain the place of grain in the alpaca diet.
First, it is important to clarify how grain is digested. Ninety-five percent of all soluble carbohydrates, such as grain, are...
  • 2 min read
Yes, for the most part trade shows can feel like a lot of work without necessarily a full payback.  However, its up to you to get the most out of it and really help launch you, your product and your business.  Here are a few ideas to make the most of your hours on the floor.

Say hello greet people as they walk by. Don't overwhelm, just acknowledge. Offer a tag line with general information. For...
  • 3 min read
The most successful alpaca breeders are those who have developed a formal marketing program for their livestock.  When it comes to fiber produce by their livestock each year, however, few breeders have any type of marketing program. The function of the alpaca is the fiber, and most bypass this crucial aspect of the alpaca. Some send part or their entire annual clip to AFCNA to support the...
  • 5 min read
When I was first getting into alpacas, I kept on seeing tags on almost every article of clothing as being "Made from Baby Alpaca".  I was amazed at how many cria there must be in the world to produce this one time supply of fleece and what did they do with all of the adult alpacas?  Well, the short answer is, any alpaca can grow Baby Alpaca fleece

"Baby alpaca" is not used as an adjective for a...
  • 1 min read
The trick about alpacas is that they are very stoic - they can look fine and then they can just go downhill quickly and die.  It can be extremely frustrating because you do not know anything is wrong until something is really wrong.
Pneumonia can be lethal to alpacas. As soon as it is recognized, it needs to be treated immediately. Pneumonia settles in fast and may or may not have a fever. Preemies...
  • 3 min read
Composting is an essential part of degrading manure.  Composting reduces the volume of the non-composted material by 70-80% - and all you need to do is let it "cook".  The heat involved kills viable parasites and other worms that could otherwise enter a grazing animal. Additionally, composting allows the humus content of the manure to be returned to the soil in a way that is hygienic and boosts...
  • 3 min read
Eimeria Macusaniensis ( commonly called Emac ) is a type of coccidia seen only in alpacas. There are four types of coccidia seen in alpacas. Emac is rarely seen or identified and even in research very few cases are ever identified. Coccidia as a whole is a necessary part of life in any species, and exposure helps build tolerance and potential immunity.  Without this the animal will not survive, as...
  • 3 min read
Tooth abscess, also known as dental abscess and root abscess, is a condition in which pus is collected in the tissues surrounding a tooth, due to a bacterial infection. It usually occurs in the tissues around a decayed tooth or due to a failed root canal. Tooth abscess is of three types - a periodontal abscess, a gingival abscess and a periapical abscess. A gingival abscess occurs in the gum...
  • 4 min read
Alpaca Tooth Abscess

On occasion, you will begin to see a bulge on the lower jaw of an alpaca.  Usually it starts the size of a marble and can grow from there.  These are dangerous because tooth abscesses can infect the tooth, weaken the bone and potentially break the jaw.
Older camelids:This is usually caused by a tooth abscess. To determine if that is the case, put your finger(s) (carefully) into...
  • 2 min read

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