Sweet Rosita’s due date came and she was trying to have her baby, but unfortunately the baby breached. James and Sarah took poor Rosita to the vet to see if they could save both the mom and baby, but the baby was dead. They made sure not to show Rosita the baby so she wouldn’t bond with it and be incredibly heart broken and frantic about the loss. When Rosita came home from the vet, Cardiet had had a successful and easy birth. Rosita didn’t know what happened to her baby so when she saw the newborn, Billy, she ran over to him thinking he was hers. Billy was having a hard time walking since he was so short and his legs couldn’t extend fully straight. This sometimes happens to four legged creatures, because if the baby grows too fast in utero the accessory ligament in their legs can’t keep up, causing them to temporarily not be able to straighten their legs. The common fix for this ailment is to put the baby in a small area, so it can’t run around and hurt itself and also to cut back on the intake levels of food from the mom, so the growing process slows a bit and the rest of the body can catch up.

With Rosita thinking Billy was her baby and Billy needing to be in a small space, James and Sarah put Billy and his mom, Cardiet, in the back away from a lot of the others, but Rosita went absolutely nuts. She was so frantic and thought her baby was being given away to another mom. James and Sarah decided to put the two moms and Billy together to see how Cardiet would handle sharing her baby and to everyone's surprise she was totally cool with it. The two moms raised baby Billy: they both nursed him and all three slept together every night.

Billy is now a super friendly and sweet boy who will do anything for treats – he absolutely loves food. He’s short, but remains confident and doesn’t like to be bossed around – just like his dad, Argus. Billy and his best buddies will be vacationing for the summer at a Dude Ranch to meet a bunch of people from around the country as they will be the extra fun lunch guests and entertainment throughout the summer. We love Billy and his sweet personality.

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