How Did You Get Into Raising Alpacas - Alpacas of Montana


How Did You Get Into Raising Alpacas

  • 2 min read
Over the years, many people have asked us how we got into raising alpacas.  With James’ medical background, my manufacturing background and having raised a couple of dogs and horses over the years, how did we end up with a full –time business and 120 mouths to feed?
Years ago, we had been looking to get into our own business.  We were ready to work for ourselves and really become enthusiastic for our own company.  We researched restaurants and retail, ice cream shops and service industries.  Nothing really fit us.

Then, one day James was flipping through a Costco Connection Magazine and came across a couple who had retired, began raising alpacas and after 10 years still loved it.  James enthusiastically came to me with the article and I had four words for him.  “What’s an alpaca?  No!”

He went back to his office and on the MSN home page was an article from the Wall Street Journal about the financial benefits of raising alpacas.  This piqued his interest, but I still was not impressed.  I stated, "You did not go to school for 10 years to become a farmer."
On the way home from work, we had decided to move on to other ideas. Upon opening the mailbox, his sister had sent James a flyer with a note, "Wouldn't this be fun?"  The flyer was about how to start your own alpaca business. They had never discussed this topic before with each other.
Well, after having never heard the word alpacabefore, and then being inundated with the idea throughout the day, I decided we had better at least check into it. We started making phone calls, visiting farms and researching how it would work for us.  The more we researched, the more excited we became. 
Six months later, we had purchased 8 alpacas.
Now, we care for over 120 alpacas, offer a variety of alpaca products and look forward to many more years of our alpaca lifestyle.

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