A Farm Open House - 2,300 People at my House in Two Days - Alpacas of Montana


A Farm Open House - 2,300 People at my House in Two Days

  • 2 min read
For our eighth year in a row, we held our Open House as a community event.  This year, we needed to push back our usually Last Weekend of September date to go to my sister-in-law's wedding in San Francisco.

Naturally the usual weekend was warm and sunny, about 70F.  By the time the next weekend rolled around for our event, it was cold and drizzly, making the barn a safe haven from the teasing winter elements.

Would people still come?  Who knows.  We hoped for the best.  I'm not sure if I would have ventured out in the cold to walk in a pasture. But they did - in hoards - to a total of 2,300+ people scooping their single allotted amount of alpaca feed at the gate and coming to greet the alpacas.

881 people on Saturday, the other 1,500 visitors on Sunday.

The alpacas were fantastic.  Those who wanted the treats and attention hung around the gate, going from person to person to nibble food and then move on.  Those that were not as enthusiastic about the influx of people stayed further out.

Farm days is fun, full of questions and details and a lot of co-ordination.  We look forward to more stories on the farm and enjoy a brief hiatus from the usual Autumn days.


Join the alpaca revolution! Alpaca is a sustainable alternative that is not only good for the earth, but for all of us. Alpaca wool is stronger, softer, more eco-friendly, and offers 85% greater wicking capability than merino wool. It is also hypoallergenic! Learn more about the benefits of alpaca in our Alpaca vs. Wool blog posts, shop our collections and follow us on social media

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