Alpaca Birth Live Stream - Alpacas of Montana


Alpaca Birth Live Stream

**Live stream is currently down due to internet being out on the farm, but will be up and going ASAP**

For the actual birth, we will be streaming LIVE on FACEBOOKas soon as Wowesha goes into labor.

Alpacas usually have their babies between 10am and 2pm, so make sure to check in during those hours to see what's going on!

Wowesha's baby was due JUNE 12TH and will come any day now!

It's baby season on the Alpacas of Montana farm! We have a lot of births expected this year and can't wait to share them with you!

Meet Momma Pele:

Pele was born from Sterling and Snowmass -- two world class alpacas. She's 8 years old and is a mother of 2. Her breeding partner is Argus (read more about him here). Pele is a low key and sweet alpaca who likes sharing her babies with the herd -- no helicopter parenting here! She was the first on the farm to have her baby, Felix! He is happy and healthy and cute as can be!

Momma Pele and New Born Felix

Meet Momma Wowesha:

Wowesha is a feisty gal who does not like to be bossed around. She was born on the Alpacas of Montana farm nearly 13 years ago. She never causes problems or picks fights, but she will fight back when she needs to and lays down the law to establish her boss lady status. She also came from world class parents and is a mother of 2. Follow along with us to meet her new baby!

If you have any questions about alpaca births, please reach out to us and we will get them answered and posted!

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